“Once we find ease with life as it came to us, we can begin to shape the life that comes through us.”

—Suzi Tucker

I have witnessed the boundless potential we embody.  I have also seen how our history, both known and unknown, can limit us and keep us small, bound, and caught in limiting patterns.  I have seen the impact of multigenerational trauma inheritance, of systemic oppression, of climate change, of a global pandemic and social unrest.  With such strong influences in and around us, we often need support to navigate and remember our resources, hear our call, find our voice, feel our movement.  We often need support as we bring together parts of ourselves that have been separated by forces outside of us.  

I will walk with you, accompany you, guide and facilitate with respect, as you shape the life that is coming through you.  

I am interested in maps that accompany us into new possibilities —  beyond our wounds and our personal, familial and cultural understandings. I am interested in education and experience that is generative, that inspires creativity and compassion.  And I am interested in working collaboratively to build a trust and safety that allows for new experiences to emerge and lead us. 

I believe our body, mind and spirit, as well as our relation to self, others and all life -- are deeply connected. I see healing as a process, a movement.  Incremental change is highlighted and supported. I always loved a quote from my work with Sensorimotor Psychotherapy:  ‘When the system gathers enough information, it can spontaneously begin to reorganize.’ And the words of Bert Hellinger, Founder of Family Constellation Work:  “The Greater Soul moves in only one direction, and that is to bring into union that which has been made separate.”

In my work I incorporate:

Awareness:  Awareness of both our internal experience and our external actions is key to being able to change.

"We can't change what we don't know we are doing.” — Moshe  Feldenkrais.

Mindfulness:  A skill, that, if cultivated, can enhance our ability to meet ourselves and others with compassion, right where we/they are.

The Body:  The body is the vehicle with which we experience this life.  Connecting respectfully with the body through awareness, sensation, breath and movement, can help create the possibility for change at all levels of being.

Family/Systemic Constellation Work* and the Wider View:  I believe much of healing is about creating a larger picture than the one we have, about having a fluidity in perception and perspective.  To develop and connect with a larger perspective, with new and fertile ground, I often use family/systemic constellation work*, the gifts and resources in nature, ritual, and other creative ways to externalize what is inside us. 

Education:  Education can help bring cognitive understanding to our limitations and our potential.  I draw both on current research and indigenous practices to support change and transformation.

Consistent and Open Feedback:  I consider feedback critical to the therapeutic process.  

Fees: Fee for Individual Work is $125 an hour.   Fee for Partner/Couples Work is $175 for a 90 minute session.  Upon agreement, session length may vary.

Insurance:  I do not accept insurance; however, it may be possible for you to obtain a refund for my sessions from your insurance company.  Simply request the documentation and you can submit it to your insurance company.

~Sunrise Paddle

For more information on Family/Systemic Constellation Work:  (https://kripalu.org/resources/healing-deep-wounds-family-constellations)

Tulsa Facilitators:  Michelle Bias:  (michellebias.com) and Linda Acton Smith:  (drlinda@lifemind.us)  

“I am convinced that Constellation Work, with its systemic worldview and the gift of the opportunity to stand as a representative in a constellation, is one of the most relevant and important tools to support us as we navigate our evolution into our future. I am convinced because I have stood in powerful constellations, and I’ve had the felt experience of being guided to unexpected resolutions by some unseen hand, of knowing that we are parts of a larger whole, of knowing that, in one sense, we are not individuals, but rather human systems of relating, of knowing that the Here and Now contains both the past and the future, undivided. I have experienced deeply held beliefs transform in minutes and hate and fear and frozen hearts dissolve. Entanglements can be undone. Love can prevail.” 

~Hunter Beaumont, September 2021, THE KNOWING FIELD. ISSUE 39 January 2022, page 11 - Hunter Beaumont is a co-author of Love's Hidden Symmetry and helped to bring Bert Hellinger's work into the english speaking world.